Welcome to Richard Moonstreet Ceramics!

Perfect pals to love and cherish, a cute unique piece of home decor, or the ideal gift for your favourite human! I've been hand-making my original ceramic duck and goose buddies since 2019 and can't wait to share some silliness with you! Ready? Duck, Duck, Go!

Welcome to the whimsical world of Richard Moonstreet Ceramics!

My name is Tex and I'm from London, UK.

I started my fowl pottery brand back in 2019 when I randomly put a beak on a vase I was making. I still don't know why I did this, maybe my lunchtime sandwich was out of date and I was overcome with a crazed fever dream generated by expired ham, but I painted the beak orange, dabbed some eyes above it and put it in the kiln. I snapped some pictures of it, put it on a Facebook group I was in for people who like ducks (because ducks are great), and woke up the next morning to an inbox full of messages asking me to make more of them. Maybe it wasn't so silly after all!

People really like ducks, huh!